
AX 20th Anniversary !

13 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
So here I am at the AX 20th Anniversary Party! So happy I wont the consolation , because it gave me the chance to experience this party for the first time. It was...

Hokkaido Santouka Ramen, Pavilion

13 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Its a lovely day out with my beloved dear. Went to Pavilion for movie & dinner. This time we went to Hokkaido Santouka Ramen for our dinner. First time there because mum intro...


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How to Love Someone With Anxiety and Depression

Remember they’re worth fighting for. The phrase, ‘It’s okay,’ can never be used enough. Don’t tell them, ‘you’re overreacting.’ Rem...