
Baby Celine (9months old)

February 24, 2014

You now have officially been on the outside longer than you were inside my belly.  At the end of my pregnancy I felt like I had been pregnant forever.  I couldn't wait to meet you and was done being pregnant. Those 9 months at times, felt like forever.  Yet these 9 months since you've been here are the fastest I've ever experienced (I know I say this every month).

You can sit all by yourself and play for as long as you want to, even though you do fuss a bit if one of us gets up and walk away. One of her favorite new tricks is shaking her head. She'll shake her head really hard so her hair flips all over her face, and then laugh. She thinks it's the funniest thing ever. Really enjoy riding the baby walker (Yes, Mommy's not suppose to use it!). I only put you restricted in the dining area for a really short while so you can see us nearby when we're busy in the kitchen!
Look at her funny expression in just a split second!
Ohhhh how could I not love you?

 ♥ xoxo

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