
Baby Celine ✿ Happy 10 months old!

March 24, 2014

You are now into the double digits, TEN months old!
The biggest change this month has definitely been your personality.  It's developing more and more each day.  It's so much fun to watch. Good in socializing with your great 'smile talk'. Spice up the interaction with plenty of babbles and bubbles too!

Your learning more and more each day.You love to wave your hand when we say Hi or Good bye. You're standing and doing a great job pulling up and down on things.  You are walking with a walker but have no interest in taking any steps on your own.  You have two teeth and chew on everything. 
 She also loves bath time, and she kicks and splashes violently in her little tub and completely soaks the bathroom floor and whoever is bathing her!

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