
Baby Celine ✿ Happy 11 months old!

April 24, 2014

 You unbelievably just turned 11 months that means 1 more months till you become ONE!
 ooooooh my, someone gimme that PAUSE button pleaseeeeee. 
We are on the first birthday countdown and I'm not too sure how I feel about it.  I love watching you grow each and everyday.  But at the same time, I wish I could go back in time a bit to your itty bitty days and snuggle you more.  I have a feeling this is the way I'll feel about you from here on out, it's probably the way all parents feel.  
You continue to be such a happy go lucky baby. You always have a smile on your sweet face and can instantly light up the room. 

You're also a babbling machine and can say "Bah Bah" and "Ma Ma".  You high five, and love yourself a game of Peek-a-Boo.  

You continue to be a happy go lucky baby almost all of the time.  You love to play and get into things you know you shouldn't be in.  I don't know why we spend so much money on toys, you'd be happy playing with tissue paper, toilet paper, bags and pulling things out of the wall all day long.  The funniest part about your mischievousness is that you totally know you shouldn't be doing it.  You'll crawl to the location, turn around to see if we're watching, if not you go for it. 

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