
A Merry Merry Christmas 2017

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
It's my favourite celebration of the year again! May your days be filled with magic and cheer! Decorate your Christmas with joy!  This year we celebrate our Christmas eve with our cousins at...

Wood is for the 5th anniversary

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
The 5th anniversary is a special anniversary for couples. The couple is no longer considered “newlyweds” or “newly married”. In the culture every 5th, 10th, 20th or 25th year holds a certain, special...

Weekend dinner at Bonfire Restaurant & Bar

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Fantastic ambiance and service, casual dining with beautifully wood fired meat and seafood.Suitable for celebrations. You can expect good food , nothing mind blowing. Nicely fired meats but again I din't get anything...

Happy birthday Hubb!

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
To such a wonderful husband, I wish you good health so we could explore more places together. Patience to deal with me when I am having a bad day and love that will...


7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
抱起来很温暖,罗嗦起来很烦,在身边讨厌,看不见又很想念的人。 你吃了一半的面不想吃了他会说浪费,接过去帮你吃完的人。 大冰脚贴在他肚子上,即使很冷,也不会把你脚踢开的人。 一起去商场购物,他提了全部的东西,还要空出手牵你的人。 你生大病,他却比你还要辛苦的人。 做错事吵完架,还会厚脸皮跑来牵你手的人。 漏接你电话,就会打爆你手机的人 偷偷的为你做了很多好事,却从来不邀功的人。 胆敢会和你抢遥控器,最后却只能陪你看连续剧的人。 你的大姨妈来了,抓到你偷吃凉的东西,会很生气骂你的人。 认为自己的手臂是你枕头,肩膀是你依靠的人。 有了你才相信世界上真的有海誓山盟,天长地久的人。 执子之手,与子偕老。 ♥ ...

Miko Bridal shower

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
MIKO BRIDE TO BE PARTY! GIRLS PARTY! Every bride deserves a moment to relax,de-stress and celebrate her upcoming wedding with friends and family. May your marriage be filled with lots of laughs ,love...

Once Cafe Bangkok

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
 When you are around Siam Square, don't forget to grab some glass of coffee from this dope cafe. Decor and ambiance is good for young couples and small group gatherings. Price is reasonable for what...

Bangkok yearly affair

7 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
8 - 10 October 2017 It's the time of the year again , travelling to Bangkok. I've notice it's like an yearly affair for us to travel to Bangkok for food & prayers....


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How to Love Someone With Anxiety and Depression

Remember they’re worth fighting for. The phrase, ‘It’s okay,’ can never be used enough. Don’t tell them, ‘you’re overreacting.’ Rem...