
Family Day - GIBS Ecotourism Resort, Batu Caves

July 15, 2019

Morning kisses! 

We're having a little mini vacation into the woods. Such a great and tiring plus dirty adventure. There are no perfect parents and there are no perfect children,but there are plenty of perfect moments along the way. Overall is a good experience for the kids & us to explore the nature & bath with ice cold water. Sleeping without aircond but luckily it was cold at night. Finding woods & leaves to create fire to cook our food also including washing , preparing ,baking for each & every meal. I was tough but well , you got to experience it. At least once in a lifetime. 

To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted. And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling

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