

6 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Just done my yearly health check-up. Stop by this fancy looking place for some snack. It's call Bunch cafe in Petaling Jaya. It is the latest glasshouse food hall you should visit. Just...

BEST! Menya Shi-Shi Do Ramen

6 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
 It's very long since I post about food, but this is totally recommended! So I'm gonna share this today with you guys. You guys totally need to check out this ramen. This is...


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How to Love Someone With Anxiety and Depression

Remember they’re worth fighting for. The phrase, ‘It’s okay,’ can never be used enough. Don’t tell them, ‘you’re overreacting.’ Rem...