BKK , Day 3
July 11, 2010
Woke up pretty early and had our breakfast together. Then off we go to the Thailand weekend market. Its call Chatuchak Thailand weekend market.
There is no exaggeration to say that hardly any especially Bangkok doesn't know Chatuchak Market. This is The Worlds Biggest Weekend Market selling practically everything! You can find everything and more at amazing Chatuchak market. There are almost 9,000 individual booths overflowing with every imaginable type of wares to catch your fancy.

I never get to walk all because I don't even know which part , I've walked. Things there are really cheap , if you are good at Bargain like me. Yeaa.... I'm getting PRO! Shhhh shh ~
Walk for about 2hr , then off we go to Central. Because weekend market is hot , you will sweat allot! HELL ALLOT! So bring lots of tissue or hat for yourself if you plan to go there.


Lastly went for a swim in the late evening. Whole family tag along too. Same thing , dinner and watch match then sleep. That's all for Day 3.