
my 21st Surprise Birthday Celebration !

May 30, 2011

2 7 M a y 2 0 1 1
Happy 21st Birthday to me !!!

Like I did mention before , I choose not to celebrate my birthday due to some problems , So I decided to spend my birthday money on traveling. Already discuss with my parents & also Viinc , so we went to Hong Kong last week and back on the 26th of May. Back with minor fever & sore throat. Dint plan to celebrate , because I already told them what problem I'm facing. So Viinc called & said he booked Luna Bar , for dinner.

B u t . . . . . . . . . . . .

He pick me up at 9pm , and BoooooooooooOOOmmMMM
suddenly big party is going on his house , and it was to celebrate my birthday !
I got shock , & keep pulling his shirt. No idea , what just happen. All I know , I'm so blurrrrr !!!

I'm blushing , I'm tearing & also heart attacking !
All I wanna say is really THANK YOU for everything you've done for me. For organizing , plan , & also inviting & also to solve my problem that I'm facing . Some small small issue . Although everything very shock & blur to me . I really appreciate ALLOT !

with my two lovelies ! Shareen & Elis
Love my pink kitty & Chanel cake. Design by me , purposely combine two of my favourites together =)

Another heart attack cause by daddy mummy.
They came tooooooo !!! OMG !!!
Dint expect all this to happen , really shocking birthday for me this time.

Okay , here is another attack happen again.
The minute , he walk towards me with this brown huge paper , I already got shock.
and when I opened it , it was my beloved LV bag that I wanted ! Its on my birthday wish list!
Really too good to be true !!!!

All those small small attack , equal to major heart attack when I open mum dad present it was Mac book Air !!! and also Bestie present , Gucci belt from my wish list too!!!
Am I dreaming ? ? ? ? ? ?

This is really a Big Shocking Surprise Birthday Party E V E R !!!!

Thanks for those who came ,
Thanks for all the present ,
Thanks for the so EXP present !

Specially TQ to Dear & his family for organizing & prepare everything .

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