
5year's 3month'sary !

August 20, 2011

Loving my iPhone 3gs now because I downloaded allot apps to edit picture. Its like so so so easy and cute. I seldom use my iPhone to play game or download any software that's why my phone is still virgin. Never jailbreak cause I feel is unnecessary but recently I starting to download and editing picture from my phone. Feel so fun , easy and FAST! Specially created this for him , just to wish him ,

Happy 5years 3months Anniversary !

Awwwww , love this pic so much! Kinda look like a card or something I stick on my room wall huh?? Not bad idea too , will consider about it. By the way , this post is for 16th August 2011 but now only I posted it . . . . . . . I just want to say , stop looking for perfect partners. Just find someone who know how lucky they are when they have you. People who are meant to be together will always find their way back to each other. They make take detours in life , but they're never lost. JUST LIKE ME & YOU

Someone doesn't have to be perfect in order to be my prince charming.
The one thing that makes sense in this world is ,
I'll spend the rest of my days
Just by loving you . . . . .

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