
Capitol Satay Celup , Melaka

August 10, 2011

They said satay celup is a MUST EAT food while you at Malacca. I've never tried this before so we decided to check it out. Google and found out this Capitol Satay Celup its kinda famous , so we went and try. Took few turns and turns and finally we made it. Got shock , when I need to line up because the queue was kinda long and the restaurant only have about 10tables. Luckily we only waited for about 15min. Kinda lucky already , cause after that , the queue went double!

Satay celup is served and eaten like steamboat, except the main difference in sauce. Instead of dipping them in a pot of boiling soup, satay celup is cooked by dipping or dunking sticks of raw food into boiling pot of aromatically rich and spicy peanut sauce.
The first thing I experience at here is the waitress will always come around with two huge scoops of freshly ground peanuts, brown sugar and various herbs and spices to mix it all right in front of you. She will come and repeat the same thing for every 10minutes.
This dish is considered a signature dish in Malacca, so complete your trip with this dining experience and don't forget you have to prepare yourself to queue up!

Capitol Satay Celup Restaurant,
41, Lorong Bukit Cina, 75100 Melaka, Malaysia

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