
Baby Celine (7months old)

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Be merry all, be merry all, Prepare the song, the feast, the ball, To welcome merry Christmas. My oh my where does the time go? Its Christmas eve today so I decided her 7 months photo-shoot costume lets...

Tōdai-ji (東大寺) @ Nara,Japan

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Todaiji (東大寺, Tōdaiji, "Great Eastern Temple") is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara. The approach to Todaiji is amazing; there are lots of deer and people, and shops...

OSAKA Day6 - Universal Studios Japan!

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
こんにちは! This is what we all been waiting for , today is the day! This is our first visit to Universal Studio and its in Osaka,Japan. We dint want to visit the Singapore...


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How to Love Someone With Anxiety and Depression

Remember they’re worth fighting for. The phrase, ‘It’s okay,’ can never be used enough. Don’t tell them, ‘you’re overreacting.’ Rem...