
Birthday Retreat 2014 ♥ Phuket

May 26, 2014

What better occasion than your birthday to pause and reflect on where you have been and where you are going? Its been a year I'm into the motherhood life. Its a miracle that I've made it until so far , although is just 1 year , but I feel so proud of myself already. Anyway being a mother really not easy , sometime I can be suuuupppppperrrrrrrrr TIRED!!! So hubby decided to bring me for a holiday , to get away from home , away from our baby just for few days and rest and relax our self. Since hubby never been to Phuket/Krabi so I decided to choose beach for this trip although I've been like 10 years ago. Kinda forget most of the thing >.<
The famous Phi-Phi island.
Ha ha ha....cant believe this is our first time snorkeling together 
Khai Nai island.
I am you. you are ME. You are the waves & I am the ocean.
The wind blows through your hair. 
The warm sun bathes your skin. 
Soft golden sand caresses your feet.

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