
Congratulation to my classmate Ada Tan!

May 31, 2014

Me with the long lost Amanda aka best friends , best sister , best school partner. Glad that our friendship still last till today , its been 16years! Although we seldom get together like we used to be , but deep down our heart is still connected :)
No idea why I look so puffy on that day :( 
Before the dinner start , please us take a sel-fie with the beautiful bride!
Congratulations on the most important union of your life! May you two always find love and hope in the company of one another. Marriage is about finding true love and sharing a common, beautiful dream. 
Really miss all of you , miss school days , all we need to worried is our exam , our homeworks. Unlike now , we need to worried about so many damn things in life! Especially me when I've already a mother!!! You have no idea how physically and mentally tired I am sometimes. Anyway LIFE-GOES-ON.

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