Hubby I♥U but this is IMPORTANT too!

September 16, 2014

 Quality Time 
Most couples spend a lot of time together especially during the 1st few months of getting together, a.k.a the Honeymoon Period – but how much of it can be considered quality time? It really isn’t quality time just by being physically present beside each other. Quality time is time set aside to pay undivided attention to each other or doing things together that both of you love without any distractions or interruptions – yes that includes putting your phones and other less immediate tasks aside.

To be heard
When your woman rants to you it does not always mean she is complaining/whining about the nitty gritty stuff in life, and she does not need you to reinforce that by shutting her off or challenging her into an argument. She is probably already feeling very vulnerable and the last thing she wants is to be misunderstood. All she requires you to do is to acknowledge what she says and respond according to her emotions. Sometimes there’s no need for you to even talk.

Consistency breeds trust and reliability in a relationship. Know why you fell in love with her in the first place. Was it the way she looked? Was it something she did that touched you? Treat her the exact way you did when you went after her and when you started dating her. Women usually feel that the other party has changed because he stopped showing certain gestures that he used to always show (e.g buying her flowers, sending her home, saying “I love you” everyday) just because he has ‘gotten’ her.

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