

September 27, 2010

I am so in love with Taiwan , I also don't know why. This is the third time Ive been to Taiwan Taipei. And still craving for the next visit =) Just simply love there , I really don't know why. The food , the peoples and the shopping just so suit me. I feel so enjoy all the time when I'm at there. This time I go Taipei with my Bestie , and all the expenses by my own.
Woooots ~
I'm so proud of myself!
So we are there for 4days 3nights and we stat at East Dragon hotel. Its a budget 3star tourist hotel. I dint want any fancy hotel because I rather save for my shopping more , but the hotel turn out to be not bad! The toilet , the bed and whole things are all just nice and main point is walk straight out from the hotel and it is already Xi men ding.

Really Satisfied with this hotel!
Coke Forest Restaurant. Lovely ~
My choice of the day , really yummy ~
around Xi men ding
waiting for bubble tea. Been drinking allot at there!!
Shin Ling night market! Shopping and Foods time!!!
Finally my shopping damage for the whole trip. Lucky I spend within my limit!

Gonna enjoy for another few more days and off to work already.I really need so much $ right now.
I'm so broke now because I had a minor accident last Thursday night.
Just a small kiss with the big monster car and my car damage hell allot!
Arrgggh ~

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