
Baby Celine (8months old)

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
My Dear Baby Girl, Today is your 8 month birthday! You have reached an all time new level of fun this last month!  You rub your eyes when you're tired and you smile...

U & Me ♥ Raohe Night Market , Taipei

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
For my final blog post for this trip I will blog bout Raohe Street Night Market. 饒河街觀光夜市 is one of the oldest and most famous tourist night markets in Taipei. The Raohe Night Market, a stone's throw away from Wufenpu...

Carton King Creativity Park (紙箱王) , Taichung.

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Our 5day trip to Taipei we planned to use 1 day to go to Taichung so we woke up early in the morning and took the high speed railway train to Taichung! The...

Moncoeur (心之芳庭) , Taichung

11 years ago by ♥ c r y s t a l L O V E ™ 0 comment
Millions tourists have come to Lavender Cottage to see lovely purple lavenders since it was founded in 2001. On Valentine’s Day, Christmas Eve, or even just weekends, couples love to visit their garden...


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How to Love Someone With Anxiety and Depression

Remember they’re worth fighting for. The phrase, ‘It’s okay,’ can never be used enough. Don’t tell them, ‘you’re overreacting.’ Rem...