
蜜糖吐司 Dazzling Cafe Pink , Taipei 台北

January 21, 2014

I first discovered the whole honey toast (Chinese is known as 蜜糖吐司) ordeal from a Taiwanese travel show. It looked so pretty and yummy through the screen, so I had to mark it down for my future Taiwan trip. Dazzling Cafe Famous for its honey toast and long waiting line. Average waiting time at Dazzling would be around an hour to four hours. Ridiculous, yes, but definitely worth the wait. Lucky I went there during brunch so I dint queue or waited. I just walk in and they have sit for me already. Biggest difference between Dazzling Pink and Mint is that Pink offers more varieties of honey toast, while Mint has limited choices in honey toast, but offers DANISH HONEY TOASTDazzling Pink would be a perfect place for afternoon tea. It is located fairly close to LUXY club.
The service at Dazzling is outstanding. If your drink is too sweet, or simply tastes bad, the waitresses will be more than happy bring you a new one.
 Due to our bloated stomach from Barbie Cafe , we couldn't order toast , we had waffle instead since is smaller. We shall plan another visit to try their toast! 
Dazzling Cafe actually has several locations, and even two near the Zhongxiao Fuxing area. This one, Dazzling Pink, is right behind Zara. I'd recommend it, if you're in Taipei. Or if you don't have the chance, perhaps try out one of the many other themed cafes, such as Barbie Cafe

Dazzling Cafe (Pink) 
MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua (exit 2)
No. 11, Alley 7, Lane 205, Section 4,
Zhōngxiào East Rd, Daan District
Taipei City, Taiwan

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