
Baby Celine (8months old)

January 24, 2014

My Dear Baby Girl,
Today is your 8 month birthday!

You have reached an all time new level of fun this last month!  You rub your eyes when you're tired and you smile and laugh all the time. You're getting so big! Well ,actually you've lost weight because you're doing so much! You just love moving around so much , crawling all over and getting into everything! And it all goes straight into your mouth , lol.
You also had your first real cold this past month.  It was so hard to watch you struggle to breathe and have a runny nose while you sleep. Fever went up and down. Really put me to sleepless night. You also been talking so much now. You often use da , ba , ma , fa ,mum but doesn't sound like anything when you say it all together.
You're also starting to learn how to balance when you stand up...and you are also starting to enjoy your walker more and more. You crawl over to anything you can find to support and try to push up on your feet. Sometimes you start huffing and puffing , its pretty funny. You've been pretty close a few times-making mommy nervous! Because I know what comes after standing....eek!

We love you so much and can't believe you'll be a approaching one year before we know it!  Time needs to slow down...I'm loving you at this age so so much!

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