
Love comes in many ways

January 02, 2014

Happy new year 2014 everyone! Say good bye to all the tears , happiness and sorrow of 2013 and welcoming the 2014 make it better , live it better! After I married , I realize lots of thing and also understand allot of things that I never think & worry before.

 In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning. Love is a word that can evoke many different images: family, friendship or romance.  After all, the type of love that is celebrated on Mother’s Day is not the same as the love commemorated on Valentine’s Day. 

To love means to actually care about the well being of the other.  It requires thinking about and taking into consideration the needs of the other when acting and making decisions.  We can all recount occasions where we have had disagreements and conflicts with those whom we encounter every day.  Thus it is difficult enough to love, or in other words, to take into account and respect the views of our own family and friends.  
Love for someone isn't the same for everyone , for some is the dew on a rose. To others it maybe the love of world. To a crying child , it is that mother who responds. To a brother it can be a defense of his siblings. To a dying parent it can be a look of their child. Love is different for everyone , love comes in many different forms and no one feel it the same!
The one universal thing of love is this LOVE will sacrifice , lay down its life for another.
Now I ask you , what would you die for?

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